Seeking Authenticity hosted by iAlign
A podcast dedicated to having conversations with seemingly authentic people about their story and perspective on life. These types of discussions are inspiring for me and I hope they might be for others as well! New episodes monthly
Seeking Authenticity hosted by iAlign
#33 - Leaving College, Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, and Embracing Every Day as a New Adventure with Zach Smith
Zach Smith hiked the entirety of the Pacific Crest Trail, a backpacking trail that extends over 2600 miles from the Mexican border to Canadian border, trekking through deserts and high mountain ranges. He used this trek to raise thousands of dollars of support for Youth Assisting Youth, a non-profit charity aimed at providing mentors to at-risk youth. In this conversation we talk about his experience leaving college to work in construction for a year as he created new intentions, his decision to embark on the Pacific Crest Trail with nearly no prior backpacking experience, and some of the moments of solitude, joy, excitement, and even melancholy that he passed through while hiking it. Likewise we talk about mentorship, creating a mindset of determination and grit, and how the trip changed his perspective to take advantage of each day and the purpose that can be derived from it instead of looking towards finish lines far off in the future. I really appreciated listening to Zach and I think you will too, enjoy.
Check out Youth Assisting Youth here:
And another interview of Zach from Youth Assisting Youth here:
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©Flint Mitchell
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