Seeking Authenticity hosted by iAlign

#28 - Terror Management and Using Death to Take Responsibility for Life With Greg Akinbiyi

Flint Mitchell Season 2

In this episode, I talk with Greg Akinbiyi. Greg is a former Duke football player, businessman and consultant, who I had the pleasure of connecting with through Ellen Leanse, another guest of this podcast on episode 2. We had a fantastic conversation over the phone somehow spanning masculinity, death and grieving, and success in just 30 minutes so I was really excited to get him on the podcast. Here, we talk about the journey he’s been on with a book he’s writing with the working title ‘Leaders Die First.’ Likewise we cover a wide range of topics I love to talk about, including the current societal discussion about what it means to be a man and how it relates to what it means to be human, about the frameworks we use to define success, and about using death as a framework for life, showing us the ways we might want to change our actions and perspectives on what is truly under our control in this moment. Greg is awesome to listen to and I’m grateful to have him on the podcast. Enjoy! 


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